August 23, 2012
Dear Friends, Colleagues and Khmer Compatriots,
A concerted nationalist movement to reshape Cambodia's political landscape is happening and happening fast all over the world. You can feel the excitement in the air. It's a beginning of an end to a one-man, one-party's ruling nation. The moment is now and we must seize it - fear no more. We shall move forward together, more determined than ever to deliver a united message, message of hope, of inspiration for a new renaissance that is long awaited the nation and the people of Cambodia.
I am writing this letter in support of a new exciting initiative called, the "Cambodian National Rescue Fund." While this project is still in its early stage, it is however designed to raise funding commitment to support the funding needs of the "Cambodian National Rescue Party (CNRP)" during election 2013. As the Cambodian National Rescue Fund is taking step to enlist key players, potential donors and gain access to supporters world wide, it needs your inputs and participation to help shape this organization into a powerful funding entity to truly reflect the actual representation of the will and desire of Khmer Patriots Overseas.
At the request of HE Sam Rainsy and HE Kem Sokha. Mr. Vibol Touch working with other concerned patriots, together with Mme Mu Sochua, and pledged donors have set up a website . The site provides up-to-date info on donations as well as other relevant information about the FUND.
In more than one week, there are more than $20000 raised and pledged, but we need a lot more, much more. Make your pledge today, any amount, talk to your friends, spread the message and help speed up this funding drive until we reach that $1,000,000 target. I am pleased to inform you all that the honourable Mu Sochua, MP is also contributing $1000 to the Fund. I hope that you my respected friends, colleagues and others will join in and be supportive of this important funding drive.
The leaders of the democratic movement, CNRP, recognize and appreciate your respective donation, because it's not from corruptions - not money from land evictions, illegal logging, blood sugar and/ or the likes. Those donations were the bi-product of the honest Khmer overseas, money from each donor's own sweat and blood.
The time has come for us to pool our limited resources together in a way that is highly effective and influential to ensure our country's own survival in many ways one can only imagine.
Please make your pledge today and be a part of this historic movement and drive.
Pretty Ma
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